Artist, Adventurer and Conservationist



Tell us a little bit about you…

I’m Katie and I’m an artist and marine conservation advocate based in the Isle OF Skye on the Scottish NW coast.

I’m also an Ordnance Survey #GetOutside Champion who enjoys spending time off-grid and exploring uninhabited islands.

Do you consider yourself to have any mental health issues?

I’ve lived with depression on-and-off for a number of years now. I’ve also recently started experiencing panic attacks and shortness of breath/ a racing pulse due to anxiety.

However, I consider myself incredibly lucky in that I’m well-supported and I’m able to recognise if and when I might need help.

I currently take a couple of medications to regulate my mental health and I’m keen to help remove some of the stigma associated with taking medication.

How do you think getting outside improves mental health?

I think that getting outside benefits people in different ways. Obviously getting moving and taking care of our physical health massively helps our mental health but for me it’s more about the distraction of nature and wild places.

There’s so much beauty in the flora and fauna when you go outside that I often find myself replacing worries with curiosity. It’s also a form of escapism, turning off the white noise of modern life and daily stresses for a little while. It helps me to feel reenergised to take everything on again.

Has someone ever initiated a conversation about their mental health with you and if so, can you tell me a little bit about this?

I’ve found that by talking openly about my own mental health it’s helped my friends to feel comfortable about sharing their own stories with me. Some friends are quite frank and open but others have mentioned feeling down or having ‘dark times’ which I know is their way of telling me they need a bit of extra support. Sometimes that’s all they’ll say and we’ll quietly acknowledge that and other times it’s a starting point for them to open up further.

Do you have a favourite place to go when you need some downtime, if so where?

I don’t have an exact location I go to when I need downtime, I just like to escape into quiet landscapes where I can find solitude and peace away from everyday pressures.

Sometimes I’ll walk along my favourite cliffs or find a sheltered shore to sit. It doesn’t matter where it is as long as I’m amidst nature.

What two items would you take with you if you ’re shipwrecked on a desert island where all your food and water needs were taken care of?

Ooh, I love this question!

Probably a notebook and pen and a wildlife guidebook.... Or maybe a hot water bottle and a knife, if we’re being more practical.


Read more about Katie’s adventures including her conservation work on her website…


Manse Ahmad


David Mellor