Family Adventurer, Educator, Award winning writer & public speaker




Tell me a little bit about yourself…

I’m from North Wales; Dad, husband, English Teacher and Ordnance Survey #GetOutside Champion. Whether, we’re paddleboarding the lakes of North Wales as a family or enjoying wild camps in the mountains, the vast majority of our free time is spent outdoors.

Do you consider yourself to have any mental health issues?

A therapist once said to me that mental health will always be a part of my life and I sort of get that. Although I had bouts as a teen and a pretty bad breakdown 5 years ago where I was strangled by anxiety and panic attacks for the best part of a year; at the moment, touch wood, I feel great.

Having finally got the help I’d needed for some time 5 years ago, I’m much better at spotting the signs now and I’m also much, much better at opening up and talking about mental health - something which has done me the world of good. However, that’s not to say I won’t have low points again in the future. Mental health isn’t something that I can predict and ever have full control over but I do now know that, should it ever return, I have a network of people and whole host of strategies to help me better cope with it.

How do you think getting outside improves mental health?

Getting outside is absolutely imperative to restring my mind and escaping the stresses of modern life. Ironically, when I was at my lowest ebb a few years back I was housebound for months by panic attacks and anxiety. I knew getting out would help but knowing it and actually being able to step foot out of the door are two very different things. However, when I finally got to the point where I was able to again, my mental health improved dramatically from there on in.

Now I’m well, getting outside is my constant tonic. Little worries and stresses dissipate outdoors and, when I return to them, my mind is better able to put them into a sense of much-needed perspective.

Has someone ever initiated a conversation about their mental health with you and if so, can you tell me a little bit about this?

I’ve found that since opening up about my own experiences, lots of people have now opened up to me about their own experiences of mental health. In normal times, I snow regularly go hiking and wild camping with a group of fellow dads who have all opened up about their own issues with mental health. It has been incredibly liberating for all of us to share our thoughts and stories and, what’s even better, is we now check in with other from time to time between outdoor adventures and know that should we ever need it, there’s another dad there who knows how we feel that we can talk to.

Do you have a favourite place to go when you need some downtime, if so where?

For me, a walk up Y Garn in the dark for a summit sunrise offers me peace and tranquillity every single time. It doesn’t matter how I feel, the first warming rays of sun hitting your face from over the horizon cannot fail to lift your mood.

What two items would you take with you if you were shipwrecked on a desert island where all your food and water needs were taken care of?

My Spotify playlists and speaker (is that two?) and a ‘How to Source Ingredients to Make Cocktails on a Deserted Island’ book.
Award Winning Outdoor Writer and Speaker
Supported by: Ordnance Survey, Lowe Alpine, Sea Lion Boards & Little Trekkers


Read more about David and his Potty Adventures here…


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